
اضافه کردن خطوط Guides

Sub AddGuides()
    With ActivePresentation.Guides
        ' Add a vertical guide at 2" from left
        .Add ppVerticalGuide, 144
        ' Add a horizontal guide at 1" from left
        .Add ppHorizontalGuide, 72
    End With
End Sub

جابجایی خطوط Guides

Sub MoveGuides()
    With ActivePresentation.Guides
        ' Move the second guide to 5" from left or top
        ' depending on whether it's vertical or horizontal
        .Item(2).Position = 5 * 72
    End With
End Sub

حذف خطوطGuides

Sub DeleteGuides()
    With ActivePresentation.Guides
        ' Delete the second guide
    End With
End Sub